Monday, September 10, 2007

How To Write an E-Mail

I live overseas and I use e-mail for the majority of my communication needs. I also receive some really, really poorly written e-mails from people I hold in high esteem. STOP IT! The Wired How-To Wiki provides the following guidelines for writing e-mail, as does the blog of Guy Kawasaki (VC, evangelist, etc.). Though I agree with most of what is written in both of these articles, I'm not sure I agree with all of it. Feel free to comment with your preferred e-mail style tips.

Click here to read the Wired article.

Guy Kawasaki has what I view to be more complete, more useful tips for e-mailing, which you can find here and should read immediately if you ever plan to send another e-mail. I especially like "add a good signature," which a lot of people don't. I want to know who you are instead of having to try to find your organization's Website, find the contacts page, and hope and pray to Jesus that you're on there. COME ON!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Love Weekends

Every Sunday is a day of regret: regret for time wasted in front of the TV and for parties missed. Not to worry, though, because another weekend is only five days away.